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SDH Institute (Vatel 호텔학교)


싱가폴 SDH (School D\'s Hospitalty)는 싱가포르 호텔관련 사립학교중의 하나로 호텔전문 학교입니다. 익소에서 우선 호텔기본 전공이수 후 Vatel 학교로 편입이 됩니다.
우선 SDL는 호텔전문학교로 매우 인지도 및 실무적인 프로그램으로 싱가폴 안에서 취업률이나 인지도가 높습니다. 보통 수업은 인턴쉽을 통해서 학교에서 배운 호텔관련 이론 및 실문적인 부분을 전문적으로 배울 수 있습니다. 학교는 싱가폴 비지니스에 가장 중심지인 탄종파가라는 곳에 있는데 보통 지하철로 대략 5분 거리라서 싱가폴에 가장 중심지에 있습니다.

VATEL International Business School Hotel & Tourism Management
세계적인 명문 호텔 학교(유럽인지도 최상위권) 위치해 있으며, 2003년 The Worldwide Hospitality for the Best Trainning Program으로 매우 프로그램이 실무적으로 인정이 되어 있습니다. 2007년 유럽 랭킹 1위 선호도 호텔 학교(프랑스 IFOP) 학교 선정이 되었으며, 전세계 호텔 및 학교캠퍼스들이 네트워크를 통해서 학생들의 취업이나 호텔 전문 프로그램을 잘 갖추고 있습니다.
프랑스 바텔 학교는 1981년에 설립되었으며, 프랑스 파리에서 첫번째 캠퍼스 오픈 후 현재 파리 뿐 아니라, 말레이시아 쿠알라룸프, 캐나다의 Carnore 중국의 베이징 등 세계 각지에 캠퍼스가 위치해 있습니다. 특히 미국뿐만 아니라 캐나다에도 바텔호텔학교가 있어서 이곳에서도 많은 유학생들이 공부하고 있습니다. 유럽에서 가장 큰 규모의 호텔, 레스토랑 등 프랑스 에서 뿐 아니라 국제적으로도 높은 명성 높습니다. 수업은 보통 이론 수업 50% 과 실습 교육 50% 로 구성되어 있으며, 호텔 관광분야의 경영자 및 Catering Manager 전문적으로 많은 호텔리어 및 호텔관련 종사자들을 양성할수 있는 프로그램을 계속해서 업그레이드하고 있습니다.

학생 수


학사 일정

SDH의  Hospitality & Tourism Management 전공으로 입학 했을 경우 디플로마(22개월,유급 인턴쉽 6개월 포함) 과정까지는 SDH 수료증이 나가게 되고 디플로마 과정까지 이수하면 프랑스 VATEL 배첼러 과정으로 입학후 졸업을 하게 됩니다

디플로마 8개월
어드밴스 디플로마 8개월 수업 + 6개월 인턴쉽
디그리 과정 6개월 수업 + 6개월 인턴쉽




총 1년 900만원 / 생활비 1200만원

기숙사 유무



토플 61점 / IETLS 5.5

인기 학과

[Hotel & Tourism Management]


- Travel,Tourism and Hospitality Accounting 1

- Marketing

- Human Resource Management

- IT applications





The Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel Management programme's objective is to train students for operational and administrative management positions. The programme combines cuttingedge management science with traditional know-how in international hotel and restaurant management. Students are expected to participate actively in every phase of this highly internationalized and multicultural academic program, and course work is reinforced through immediate application of knowledge in practical settings.

The faculty strives to attain outrivaled teaching standards by pushing back the boundaries in their respective disciplines and course work complements practical training, cultural and technical seminars. Consisting of a fixed curriculum of required courses, students alternate course work with practical situations in which they have the opportunity to apply and test what they have learnt while attending the Bachelor in International Hotel Management programme.

Year 1
Students are introduced to marketing, human resources, administration and professional culture, and become seasoned to catering, culinary production techniques, banquet constraints, unexpected events in receptions or seminars, and conclude their School year by an internship in the country where they are studying.

Awarding Body

  • VATEL International Business School Hotel & Tourism Management

Degree awarded (Upon completion of Year 3)

  • Bachelor’s Degree in International Hotel Management ( State Certified Level II Degree registered in the French Republic National Directory of Professional Certifications by Ministerial Order on 1st July 2008 - NSF Code : 334p Tourism and Hotel Management)

Entry Requirements to first year undergraduate

  • High School Certificate, GCE O Levels or equivalent
  • English Proficiency: TOEFL 500 (173 PC) or IELTS 5.0 (Academic) or equivelant
  • Minimum Age: Seventeen (17) Year Old

Mode of Delivery

  • Classroom-based Lectur1998es, Tutorials, Discussions and/or Research

Assessment Methods

  • Written Assignments, Examinations plus Project / Industrial Attachment

Graduation Requirements

  • Obtained a pass in all modules.

Course Duration (Year 1)

  • Full-time:
    • 9 months (Classroom tutorials and Lectures)
    • 6 months (Internship)

Course Application Form

Course Modules

Academic Year 1

ADM101 Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Accounting I
MKT101 Marketing I
HRM101 Human Resource Management I
COM101 IT Applications I
ECO101 Hotel Management
HOS101 Cultural Issues in the Hospitality Industry
HOS102 Professional Grooming and Development I
NUT101 Nutrition
WIN101 French Wine Vintages
SHI101 Seminars on Hospitality Industry
ENG101 Business Communication I
FEN101 French I
PIR101 Practical Initiation: Restaurant
PIK101 Practical Initiation: Kitchen
ENV101 Restaurant and Catering Environment
ENV102 Hospitality Industry Environment
APP101 Practical Applications
INT101 Internship

Module Synopses

Academic Year 1

ADM101 Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Accounting I
This course aims to equip students with Accounting basics, to understand the profit and loss statement as well as break-even analysis. It covers the concept of the accounting cycle that starts off with the understanding important Accounting terminologies. Thus, the student is required to draw-out the income statement from journal entries, T-accounts, and trial balance, in this order, citing examples and case scenarios from the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. It also includes inventory accounting, the types and calculations of asset depreciation, break-even analysis and important financial ratios and personnel ratios to measure the hospitality business’ performance.

MKT101 Marketing I
This module aims to understand basic marketing concepts, marketing functions and the components of the marketing mix. It discusses marketing services, the marketing approach to global business, market analysis, market segmentation and basic marketing strategies.

HRM101 Human Resource Management I
This module aims for students to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the human resource functions in the hotel context. It covers the legal aspects of HRM, collective bargaining agreements, managing personnel, recruitment and selection, training and development, as well as managing and maintaining talents.

COM101 IT Applications I
This module seeks to study and understand basic computer applications, specifically word processing and spreadsheets. The module starts off with the basic computer concepts, the architecture of the personal computer, operating systems, software and hardware and local area network concepts.

ECO101 Hotel Management
This module aims for the students to understand the overall hotel industry environment and how a hotel is managed. It includes studies on different types of hotel companies, management methods, types of lodging and catering, partnerships, franchising, company financing, and the company as a business ecosystem.

HOS101 Cultural Issues in the Hospitality Industry
This module seeks to understand the general culture in the hospitality industry with reference to history and past recorded facts about hotels and related industries. It covers the study of the history of cooking and famous chefs; techniques, methods and evolution of Table Arts from the middle ages to the present; banquets in the first civilizations to the modern era; birth and development of the modern hospitality industry; types of restaurants; panorama of French and international gastronomy; French and foreign gourmet guidebooks how gastronomy is influenced by different cultures; the role and influence of food; nutrition and psychology; and key changes in the restaurant and catering businesses today.

HOS102 Personal Grooming and Development I
This module studies the stakes involved in a good self-image for a better social and professional life, the fundamentals of first impression, and the rules of the game. It also covers knowing one’s self physically, enhancing appearance, improving communication, understanding and developing one’s personality, and relationship with others.

NUT101 Nutrition
This module seeks to understand the global knowledge of rules for a balanced diet, awareness of the link between nutrition and health, and the identification of possible solutions to improve the nutritional quality of menus in restaurants and catering services.

WIN101 French Wine Vintages
This module aims to understand the main grape varieties and their influence on guaranteed vintages, being able to locate the main vintages, and being able to advise customers on what wine to choose according to their menus. It covers the history of French wines throughout the world, labeling and related French legislation.

SHI101 Seminars on Hospitality Industry
This module seeks to explore the different types of on-goings and experiences of hospitality professionals through conferences, talks as well as site hotel visits.

ENG101 Business Communication I
This module aims to develop in each student the self-confidence to be able to speak in English, increase vocabulary and introduce themes and terms concerning the tourism and hospitality industries. It covers speaking and writing in the English language.

FEN101 French I
This module aims to acquire the basic knowledge of the hospitality industry in French and in preparing the students to be able to work, to understand, speak and write in French usingthe correct vocabulary which is needed in a French-speaking hotel or restaurant. This is the introductory level of a series of French language modules in the bachelor programme.

PIR101 Practical Initiation: Restaurant
In this module, the students will be given the opportunity to apply the theories learned in class by visiting a restaurant and experiencing first-hand the activities in that particular setting.

PIK101 Practical Initiation: Kitchen
This module aims to expose the students in a hotel or restaurant’s kitchen and to be able to apply the theories learned in class by taking the tasks in food purchasing, preparation, cooking and serving.

ENV101 Restaurant and Catering Environment
This module aims to provide the student the opportunity to discover the food and beverage department in a hotel as well as the F&B and catering environment in an international level. It covers trends in the industry and also studies on client expectation and fulfilling them. It includes the study of the restaurant and catering market, room service and different menus.

ENV102 Hospitality Industry Environment
This module aims to allow the students to apprehend and acquire fundamental bases in the hospitality industry environment. It presents the different departments in a hotel, organisational structure, key functions, customer check-in and check-out responsibilities, different markets, activity sectors, types of lodging, and understanding the hospitality industry capacity.

APP101 Practical Applications
The students will be required to apply the underpinning knowledge through several weeks of being exposed and experiencing the various roles and tasks in the hotel setting. Students will be assigned in at least two different hotel departments during these stints. Mentoring and observation will be done in order to speed up the learning process.

INT101 Internship
Each student will go through a six-month internship in hotels. This is the opportunity to display the learning evidences not only in class but also in practical performance. During and before finishing the internship, each intern will be evaluated to determine the extent of learning and qualifications of such intern.

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    스트리트뷰 (Street View)

    12 Prince Edward Road, Podium A, #01-03, Bestway Building

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